Foundation issued a "Wikimedia" operators encyclopedia "Wikipedia" free day, the first transparency report him to reveal the volume of applications received by the government about the users' data, or to make modifications to the content or deleted.
During the period between the months of June 2012 and June 2014, the foundation said it had received 56 requests for information about their users, which ranked 43 request them as "unofficial" or it does not involve a formal, legal process also showed that 15 applications including came from a government entity, while 28 of them came from the non-governmental entity.
The "Wikimedia" that it had received subpoenas eight civilian and five memoranda of criminal, represents a formal legal process. In total, the organization revealed that they responded to the requests in eight cases that had affected the accounts of 11 account.
The firm said in its report that it has worked to notify affected users before disclosure of information requests to valid legal terms - provided that allows them to do so legally. She, in some cases, tried to assist users in responding to requests for non-potable.
Because it operates encyclopedia "Wikipedia" Free-led Internet users, revealed "Wikimedia" that requests to delete or edit content was more than the requests of users, where the foundation said it received 304 requests during the past two years, without any of them to respond.
The organization has also received requests for deleting content that violates intellectual property rights on the basis of copyright law to the Digital Millennium DMCA, the past two years received "Wikimedia" 58 requests and responded to 41 requests them.
Compared with transparency reports issued by other technology companies, such as "Facebook" and "Google" and "Twitter" and others, are the requests received by the institution, "Wikimedia" relatively few, both governmental and non-governmental organizations.
The technology companies have begun issuing reports of transparency in the wake of the leaks published by the former contractor with the National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, which fueled concerns about the privacy of users on the Internet.
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